The Lviv observatory performs the regular magnetic observations since 1952. First the recordings were made with the Lacour's variometers, which had a sensitivity of 4–5 nT/mm for H and D components and 2–3 for the Z component.
In 1970 with the assistance of the IZMIRAN the Bovrov's magnetic variometers were installed at athe observatory. They had a sensitivity of 2 nT/mm for the H component and the total field F, 1.75 nT/mm for the Z component and 0.33 arc min/mm for the D component.
In 2002 with the assistance of the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences the PSM-8911 was installed on the observatory, and it helped to simplify the observation data processing.
In June 2006 with the assistance of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium and the British Geologial Survey the Tavistock DIM theodolite with a FLM1/B fluxgate sensor was installed at the Lviv observatory.
To date the hardware equipment at the Lviv observatory includes the following devices:
- LEMI-025 vector magnetometer;
- Torsion photoelecric magnetometer TPM employing Bobrov-type quartz variometers;
- MMP-203 proton precession magnetometer;
- Tavistock theodolite with a D&I Fluxgate Magnetometer FLM1/B.

PSM-8911 magnetic variometer

Tavistock DIM theodolite with a FLM1/B fluxgate magnetometer
Lviv Magnetic Observatory
Ivano-Frankovo 81070, Javoriv district, Lviv region, Ukraine
Name: Dr. Yuri Sumaruk
E-mail: yusumaruk‹at›igph‹dot›kiev‹dot›ua
Tel.: +38 (03259) 3-34-00
Fax: +38 (03259) 3-39-05