On the basis of the Pleshchenitsy geophysical observatory, continuous variational observations of the elements of the geomagnetic field D, Z, H, T are carried out to study their secular variations. Such observations on the territory of Belarus have been conducted since 1960.
In 2019, Geophysical Center RAS and the Centre of Geophysical Monitoring of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Plans were made for further joint development of the observatory, including:
- equipping the Pleshchenitsy Observatory with a set of modern magnetometric equipment;
- organizing the transfer of geomagnetic data to the MAGNUS system based on the GC RAS in quasi-real time mode;
- subsequent data analysis for compliance with INTERMAGNET standards;
- launching a scalar magnetometer in the mode of continuous recording of values;
- conducting detailed geomagnetic surveys in the territory the observatory;
- producing a fluxgate vector magnetometer using the IF NANB facilities.