Borok geophysical observatory is the branch of the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPE RAS). It is a unique middle-latitude geophysical observatory in the European part of Russia, making continuous measurements of different geophysical fields under conditions of “geoelectromagnetic preservation area”. The observed data are accessible via the web-site of the Borok Geophysical Observatory Database.
In addition, Borok Geophysical Observatory is the scientific institution, making theoretical and experimental geophysical investigations in the following directions:
- monitoring of middle-latitude geophysical fields;
- global electric circuit and atmospheric electricity researches;
- solar wind and the Earth magnetosphere dynamics;
- paleomagnetism and evolution of the ancient Earth magnetic field;
- physicochemical and magnetic properties of rocks;
- investigation of intense deformation states of the Earth crust in active seismic regions;
- geoinformatics.