Moskva Observatory (MOS)
Moskva Magnetic Observatory began functioning in 1944, but systematic measurements have been performed since 1946. The observatory is located in 18 km from the city of Moscow, on the territory of the Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radiowave propagation (IZMIRAN).
Observatory technical equipment:
- Moskva-1 analogue variometric station performing records on phgotographic paper, registering the D, H, Z and F components using Bobrov's system vector magnetometers;
- Quartz series digital variometers;
- DMI fluxgate variometer;
- DTU Space FGE vector magnetometer;
- Wild T-2 Theodolite with a D&I Bartington Instruments fluxgate magnetometer Mag-01H;
- MinGeo 010 theodolite with a D&I Fluxgate Magnetometer Model G;
- QHM Ascania H-magnetometer (additional);
- Brownback's coil system with a ММП-203 sensor installed;
- QMLab POS-1 Proton Overhauser magnetometer;
- GEM Systems GSM-19T Proton magnetometer;
- МИНИМАГ Proton magnetometer;
- Additional coil systems and measurement devices.
Moskva Observatory is also a member of the Supermag international system of magnetic observatories and the IZMIRAN observatory network.
Digital data registered at the observatory is available at the observatory electronic data server. Analogue data is also loaded on the data server after being digitized.

Absolute pavilion

Inside the absolute pavilion: QHM H-magnetometer (front pillar), MМП-203 sensor in a coil system (middle pillar), DI measurement device(back pillar)

POS-1 proton Overhauser magnetometer

Quartz-3 vector magnetometer

Bobrov's system vector magnetometer

Wild DIM T-2 Theodolite with a Bartington Instruments fluxgate Mag-01H magnetometer
Kaluzhskoe rd., 4
Moskva magnetic observatory, IZMIRAN, Moscow, Troitsk 142190, Russia
Name: Dr. Anatoly Soloviev
E-mail: geomag‹at›gcras‹dot›ru
Tel.: +7 (495) 930-05-46
Fax: +7 (495) 930-05-06
Name: Dr. Valery Petrov
Tel.: +7 (495) 751-01-21